This article was published in the October 2001 issue of Rod and Line fishing magazine.
The breeze was caressing my face while I was been driven around Kuala Lumpur in my cousin's MG sport convertible. Sitting at the back way above everybody (just like the films during the rock and roll era). I was the envy of many of my college mates in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Being young, slim, tall and dark (leave out the handsome part) I sure was enjoying life.
Suddenly, the cursor on my computer screen began to move by it self. Puzzled, I called out to my son nearby to investigate this phenomenon. It could be some mischievous spirits playing the fool with me. After observing it a while he exclaimed, "Aiyah! Your tummy is resting on the space bar lah". I was rudely brought back to the present. At fifty plus, I was no longer the same slim, tall and dark guy of the late sixties, but a worn out, weather beaten angler. And a small potbelly to boot too. (The potbelly part was the copyrighted comment of me by my editor, Mr. C.S.Fong, while we were fishing at Air Ganda recently). I had drifted off to the past ( the part about the sport car), while typing this story. All of you must try it once in a while (the part about drifting back to the past) as it is good for your ego, you know.
Guna with his catch taken on his first trip. |
It began when Guna came back with his tale of a monster breaking his 20lb line. He and a few friends went on a biking and fishing trip to the lower reaches of the Kinta River. A 2 kilo plus kalui, and an undang galah was his notable catches. What really excited us was the part on the broken line.
This was how we were trying to push the car. Notice the place where a leech had feasted at Guna's expence? |
On Hari Raya Adha morning, all seven of us were loading our gears into Cheong's Hi-Lux Surf. As Ganesan's car was not meant for off road travelling, it was left on the edge of the oil palm estate. When everything was loaded and every seat taken, Guna and I found ourselves still outside the car. (What happened to the 'respect your elders' campaign?) There was no choice but for us to wind down the back door window and squeeze our bodies through it. With the lower halves inside and the upper halves outside we hanged on for dear life to the car topper rack fitted on the 4X4. (After so many years, I finally understand the true meaning of 'hanging on for dear life'). Other than ducking our heads from the palm fronds, the journey was quite pleasant. It even reminded me of my younger MG sport days. After that was jungle country, where Cheong literally bulldozed his 4X4 through the thick undergrowth. Guna and I were tossed from left to right and up and down.Many a time my knees were knocking on the inside of the roof. We had to keep a sharp look out for overhanging branches or else what ever little appeal left on my weather beaten face would be gone.
Fallen trees blocking the way. |
Cheong was not a daredevil teenage driver. It was because there were a lot of soft muddy potholes along the way and if he ever slowed down, we would be stuck in the soft ground. From the way he drove his car, I really felt my heart aching for his car (it costs more than 100k, mind you). Suddenly our way was blocked by a fallen tree. There was no choice but to unload and walk all the way to our fishing spot not far away. Reaching our destination, we heard a car roaring towards us. With his vast experience in off road driving, Cheong found a way to bypass the obstacle.
Yusof joined me under a shady tree. Making ourselves comfortable, we both cast our worm baited hooks out and waited. There were pleanty of actions, but not those that we were looking for. We must have chosen a spot where there were some catfish nurseries and kindergartens. All the lawangs, duris and baungs were thrown back by Yusof and me. Two baungs and a tilan of 400gms each were kept and given to Cheong. While chatting to Yusof, I noticed a movement through the corner of my eyes. On looking closer, what had looked like a crocodile turned out to be a giant monitor lizard. That fellow must be at least 2.5 meters long. Before I could grab hold of my camera, it plunged into the depth with just one twist of its powerful tail.
My miserable baung. |
Further downstream was a different scenario all together. Gurdip, spinning with a Toby like lure, caught a sebarau weighing 600gms. When there was no more action, he changed to ledgering with buah ara. Casting the whole bunch of buah ara to a clump of river weeds, he almost immediately got a strike. The fish went out to the middle of the river before going downstream with the current. From my place 20 meters upriver, I could clearly see the whole episode unfolding before my eyes.
Team muhibba and our catches. |
Both Yusof and I were shouting encouragement and advice to Gurdip, not to mention the chatter of Tamil from Guna and Ganesan too. It is always situations such as this that you will find plenty of uninvited advisers giving their two cents worth. In the end Guna gaffed it for him. The funny thing about this kalui was its pinkish colour. It couldn't be an albino as its eyes were of normal colour (to my limited knowledge, albinos have pinkish eyes). That clump of weeds must be home to a whole congregation of kaluis for Guna landed two more of about 2 kilos each and released a few smaller ones. All were caught with buah aras.
The stillness of the jungle was suddenly being pierced by desperate voice. Listening carefully, I heard it clearly the second time he shouted. Cheong, who was fishing about 30 meters upstream of me, was shouting excitedly. "Somebody help please, I caught a whopper". Grabbing my landing net, I ran and stumbled through the grass and bushes in his direction. After covering only about 15 meters, my strength deserted me and my legs just refused to budge anymore. I haven't had a bite since the
wan ton mee breakfast early in the morning. (Somebody misplaced our lunch packages). Together with the heat and humidity, what do you expect? All right, I admit I am also getting on in age, satisfied?
Cheong posing proudly with his patin. |
Hearing footsteps behind me, I saw Gurdip running past me. Handing him the net I wished hem good luck. The 4 kg patin was landed safely and our Cheong was the champion. Credit should be given to the champ for being so steady and calm while fighting the fish. Even with a few powerful runs (four to be exact), the patin couldn't get the better of our champion angler. The grin on his face told the whole story. We were all happy for him.
By now the dark clouds gathering in the far off horizon were getting me worried. Any rainfall would render the soft jungle floor slippery and soggy even for 4X4. Finally everyone decided to pack up when disaster struck. While trying to turn the car around Cheong unsuspectingly drove to a patch of soft ground and the car bellied. Luckily, the winch was in excellent condition. With the help and cooperation of everyone, we finally had the car back on firm ground. This was after almost one hour of really hard work by all. Branches were chopped and placed under the wheels. The winch was used liberally, together with every one pushing and grunting before we could heaved a sigh of relief.
While the car was being winched, Cheong made us stand behind the trees for safety. I learn a lot from Cheong regarding winching 4X4 in off road adventure. |
Thankfully we had a good team of cooperative anglers. Throughout my many years of fishing, I have seen many grumblers and crybabies, who not only refused to help, but would bore you to death with their whining. Relief was for the car . As for Guna and I, we had to endure the rough, neck and backbone breaking ride back to the main road. At one point Guna was holding on to the car with one hand and trying to prevent me falling off with the other. What a friend!
During the whole bumpy trip, images of my loving family and my insurance policies kept flashing through my mind. Finally it was almost 7.30pm before we finally made it out of there onto the main road.
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